
Posts Tagged ‘Progressives’

Twitter Evil & How I Came Into Contact With It!

I have been making political commentary in forums and blogging for over nine years as BewareTheBelievers.  Almost all of the comments, blogs were combined into this WordPress blog a few years ago.  During all that time I have exchanged thoughts with some fantastic people and their good hearts would come shining through their words.  Of course, I have also had some pretty rough and tough, downright raunchy interchanges with some snarky, bitter, bigoted, racist people.  Whenever the negative conversations occurred, I had my say and moved on, not giving it too much thought.

I kept hearing all these references to Twitter; and, in October, 2011, I decided to take the plunge and find out what it was all about.  I was amazed how much different it was than the media and talk show hosts were leading the public to believe!  Yes, some people use it to “follow” every boring movement someone else is “tweeting” about; and some use it to follow celebrities.  BUT, I found I could “follow” major news sources and Democratic/progressive/liberal leaders.  AND, anything that happens in the world of major significance will be on Twitter long before it hits the main stream media!

I followed a few people who tweeted summaries of political happenings or who I found had links to excellent resources.  Then, I started tweeting my thoughts on whatever was happening politically at the time.  Slowly but surely I, too, gained followers.  It was a long, slow process finding and connecting with other progressives/liberals.  When the presidential election started heating up, things began to move rapidly and my follower count moved up also.  I found out hastags (the # symbol with a word or words with no spaces) were used for groups to get together in the same “place” to express their views or just hang out.  I also found out that some people like to go to those hashtags to harass those who hold different views.

I discovered that RWNJ stands for Right Wing Nut Job and that RWNJs “troll” progressive/liberals on Twitter and their hashtags just to harass them.  Of course, some liberals do the same thing. 😦  That’s not a real problem because if you don’t want a person’s comments showing up in your TL (timeline, all your tweets and others who have tweeted to you) then all you have to do is block them.  But, unfortunately, the block/spam report is abused on Twitter to get people suspended.  Twitter has been unable to stay ahead of those who wish to game the system.  Suspensions usually last a couple of days so, under normal circumstances, it’s no big deal.  It only becomes a big deal when political groups use it to affect large numbers of other political groups at times when those tweeters may be important to an election or issue.

I experienced a couple of “dirty tricks” suspensions; see my post “How UniteBlue Will HELP Stop RWNJ Dirty Tricks”

During the November, 2012, presidential election, I saw the potential political power of Twitter.  Thousands of liberals/progressives were tweeting information about problems at specific polls, tweeting support to all those who had to stand in line, participating in “tweetbombs” (a hashtag used to bring attention to a specific issue such as #stayatthepolls).  Someone would schedule a tweetbomb for a specific day/time and let all those they could trust know about it by way of a Direct Message.  Then, those people would let their followers know about the tweetbomb; it’s kind of like a phone tree. 🙂 When a tweetbomb trends, most people on Twitter are aware of it so it can be a powerful way to get a message out or to put pressure on political office holders to move on an issue.

All of these things led to my awareness of; for details, see my post “How I Got Involved with UniteBlue”

Only after joining UniteBlue and following @UniteBlue on Twitter did I become aware of a few more liberal/progressive groups that apparently had existed all the time I was wandering somewhat aimlessly in the Twitterverse.  I NEVER saw or read about ANY of them!  I came to find out that I had been following some of the people who were in these groups but I never once read about any of their organized groups.  I also had never heard of any of their hashtags.  I remember saying to one of my followers it would be good if there were a liberal hashtag we could all use and did he know of any.  He tweeted back that some people used p1 or p2.  So I started adding the hashtag to information I thought was important to liberals/progressives.’s goal is to organize liberals/progressives/Democrats/lean lefties on Twitter to affect important issues and elections at the federal/state/local levels.  Of course, some of the more established Twitter liberal groups did not take too kindly to the new, young upstart.  But, it didn’t seem a real problem until UniteBlue made what I think is one of the most important Twitter politically organizing moves, they made it possible for those who wished to do so to put a “twibbon” on their Twitter picture (avatar).  A twibbon can be put on one’s avatar for a variety of campaigns/issues; whoever is running the campaign can set up a twibbon on the twibbon website and anyone wishing to get one can easily do so.  Well, UniteBlue had the foresight to set it up so that people could put a small, blue, Double D on their avatar and other liberals/progressives/Dems/lean lefties would know immediately that the person following them was UniteBlue; and, if one were looking for people to follow, they could looks for avatars with the UniteBlue twibbon.

The numbers of liberals joining UniteBlue began to soar and my follower numbers went from around 1400 in February to 2700 today!  I have met some of the most intelligent, well-informed liberal activists and some have a hilarious sense of humor.  I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the activity.

Unfortunately, a couple of the older, established liberal Twitter groups had a FEW very egotistical, power-hungry types who were obviously jealous of UniteBlue’s phenomenal success; and, instead of being thrilled that liberals had an opportunity to use the tools provided on the UniteBlue website to grow a tremendously powerful political voice, they began a huge campaign to discredit UniteBlue.

Yes, there were some who had legitimate questions and constructive criticisms; and, those questions were answered in detail and the constructive criticisms were used to improve the website. Of course, as with any new organization, some mistakes were made; but, overall, UniteBlue is organizing liberals at lightning speed and it has, and will continue to, affect major political issues/elections at a time that we need it so badly!

The very vocal, negative FEW are using all of the tricks available on Twitter to convince anyone who had been following them that UniteBlue is risky. They say there’s no need for UniteBlue because there were already liberal groups, although apparently they weren’t very easy to find!  They tweet that UniteBlue’s leaders can’t be trusted and then proceed to tweet lies/insinuations that have long ago been proven false.  They include a grain of truth with their lies to make them more believable by the tweeter who does not have the time or does not take the time to read all of the details.

They use fear to get people who are not familiar with technology and how apps work to get them to not join or to discontinue if they have joined.  They have spread the lie and continue to spread the lie that the UniteBlue app that is used to access Twitter from the website has all kinds of power that can be used to access one’s account and tweet for you, follow/unfollow people, etc.  They know the truth is that the UniteBlue app access is NORMAL and no different from the majority of apps people use with Twitter.  A person uses an app when they want to do more with Twitter than they can do on the Twitter site itself.  There are all kinds of apps available such as FollowFriday that is used my numerous people on Twitter and most are unaware of the access that app needs to function.

If I use an app, I have to tell the app that it’s ok for it to do certain things for me on Twitter and I have to tell Twitter it’s ok for the app to perform certain functions for me on Twitter.  It’s basically two computer systems talking to each other and I have told Twitter that the app system is me for certain functions.  For example, I may use an app called Tweetcaster because it loads tweets faster than the Twitter website, gives me more detailed information about followers accounts, more details about who retweeted my tweets, etc.  When I’m using the Tweetcaster app, I can also change my Twitter profile and perform a number of functions like tweeting that normally would be done on Twitter.  In order for me to be able to do those things, I have to give the app that kind of access; otherwise, when I tried to change my profile, Twitter would not allow it.  So, basically, one gives an app access BUT the actions that are performed are done by that person when they are using the app.

So, the fact that an app can “change my profile” SOUNDS extreme when, in reality, it just means that when I use the app I can change my profile.  The app is NOT going to just go in and change my profile, tweet for me, or do all kinds of outrageous things without my knowledge!  Of course, there are unethical, scamming apps and everyone must be careful to choose trustworthy apps.  BUT, even if an app were to prove unreliable, it’s simple enough to revoke access with the click of a button.

All of this explanation is so that you will understand that when these very vocal FEW attacked UniteBlue, one of the major things they used was that the UniteBlue app would be able to change your profile, tweet for you, etc.; and, to the average person, this sounded extreme!  It not only scared some people who had been on Twitter for a long time and had joined UniteBlue but it especially scared many of the newcomers who were flowing into Twitter because of its exposure to the general population.  The UniteBlue attackers did not just ask the question and have it answered; they asked the same question over and over again, just worded a different way and always with the insinuation that UniteBlue would abuse that access to destroy liberals.

The group that uses lies/insinuations as questions also claims to present unbiased reviews of the controversy in which they will proceed to present all of the old lies/insinuations.  One of them, @toddqm wrote an “impartial” review of the controversy and posted it in detail on a website.  He proceeded to outright lie about my blog post re how UniteBlue will HELP stop RWNJ tricks.  He said that I had repeated the claim that UniteBlue says they WILL protect tweeters from suspension.  UniteBlue does NOT say that and I did NOT say that.  If you have any doubt as to what I said, please read my blog post or just read the title! 🙂  I had read all his other so-called “impartial” bullshit and knew that it was purely an attack piece on UniteBlue; but, when I read his account of MY blog post, I was livid. He had outright lied!  His group includes some very egotistical progressives such as @MichaelGavin01 and @DrDigPol who continue to use “questions” with insinuations as a stealth way to attack UniteBlue even though the questions have been answered in detail on the UniteBlue website and on Twitter and they KNOW it!

The @MichaelGavin01 group also uses a fake liberal “news” account @PoliticolNews 2 viciously attack Zach Green/UniteBlue with such a constant stream of lies that if you search Zach’s @ name, the fake news account will come up along with Zach’s! They want people to confuse them with Politico so they will believe/retweet the lies!

One of the groups even went so far as to create a sound alike account called BlueUnite! They followed UniteBlue accounts and hoped to mislead others. The imposter account linked to all the same old lies/bullshit attacking Zach/UniteBlue. Twitter suspended the account two or three times in a row until it changed its bio to clearly tell people it was not UniteBlue. But, last time I checked, its still there stabbing away every chance it gets and is in cahoots with the fake news account @PoliticolNews!

Once a rumor, lie, insinuation gets going on Twitter, it is extremely difficult to correct it.  If you tweet back the truth, those who see that tweet also see the lie you are addressing.  So, if they had not seen the lie, you have now given exposure to the liar which is what the liar wants.  So, the general advice is to ignore the lies and negative insinuations and don’t let them distract you from your goals of working for liberal causes/elections.  Most of the time, that is excellent advice.

But, I began to notice some of my followers were questioning UniteBlue based on some of the lies/insinuations or were asking questions about the app’s access. I began to see some with low follower numbers new to Twitter asking the same questions.  So, I would try to answer the questions in a way that did not give a link to the lies/liar.  My activity, of course, gained some notice amongst the, what I will now call, LWNJs (left wing nut jobs) who were now involved solely in the destruction of UniteBlue.

I was told my name was on their lists and that I had better be careful because they would get me suspended or worse they would “dox” me! I began to hear about some UniteBlue people being doxed, which means that someone did a detailed look into their lives and collected the information in documents.  One of the very vocal but small groups apparently had no shame and no ethics; they were systematically “doxing” some of the more active UniteBlue members and put up websites with all of their personal information, especially if there was anything negative.  Some of the information included details from the person’s facebook accounts WITH pictures!  What made it worse was that the information they were posting was full of incorrect information or outright lies and they didn’t care!  Then they would tweet about that person and include a link to the pack of lies all the while claiming they were doing this so that all would know the “truth” about that particular person!

Unfortunately, there are many on Twitter who do not read the details and simply believe what they read from someone they follow and will retweet the lie without knowing that it’s all fabricated and they are being used by people with no scruples!

One of the two groups actually has a couple of people who communicate with and pretend to be Anonymous, which puts the fear of God into some people who believe them.  And, unfortunately, a few real Anonymous Twitter accounts have been taken in by the lies these few have told and have given them Twitter support.  One of the problems that UniteBlue had was that a member of its Advisory Board had a legal case that involved drugs and child pornography that had been in the courts since 2005 and was still being processed.  Unfortunately, he did not advise UniteBlue about the case. One of the UniteBlue haters @TrinaCuppett who calls herself  ninja and pretends to be Anonymous discovered the information and exposed the board member not only with the details of the case, which had not been finalized,  but with an excessive amount of personal information about him.   Of course, the person immediately resigned from the board and UniteBlue set up a more strenuous process for board appointments.  That should have been the end of UniteBlue’s involvement.  But the ninja had other plans; she would use this to destroy UniteBlue if she could.

Twitter was flooded with accusations re the case and ALWAYS that group’s tweets would include UniteBlue’s name.  So, now in addition to one other jealous group always trying to discredit the developer of UniteBlue, Zach Green, there was another group supposedly connected to Anonymous who would attack anyone who dared tweet anything that disagreed with their statements.  The group constantly refers to the man as a pedophile, although there is a major difference between being convicted of being a pedophile and being convicted of possession of child pornography.  Most people are offended by either; but, the group doesn’t care about telling the truth.  They want to portray the worst possible because that works better for their goal of destroying UniteBlue.  I tweeted that if people wished to discuss the legal case, they should do so without mentioning UniteBlue because it had nothing to do with the organization.  BAM! My name was on the pedophile supporter list!

Of course, I am not alone on the so-called pedophile supporter list; there are many others (notice they reinforce their incorrect term every time they refer to us).  But some on the list have been doxed; and, as if that is not bad enough, the dox may contain some truths but ALWAYS contains outright lies or fabrications of stories.  Once again, IF one decides to engage/tweet the truth to these unethical, disgusting people on Twitter, then those who may not have seen the outrageous lies will now see it and the liars will have gained exactly what they want, EXPOSURE on Twitter for their cause of destroying UniteBlue or Zach Green!

I became aware of how extreme it had become when a couple of my followers removed their UniteBlue twibbon because they were afraid they would become targets of these Twitter bullies.  I was furious!  I found that the obnoxious, extremist group had no shame and actually had created a website used to dox supposed pedophile supporters!  Of course, there are no pedophile supporters! Who does that? No one supports pedophiles! How absurd can you get!  But, the truth is of no concern to this little Twitter fiefdom of bullies and they were successfully scaring the hell out of some people!

My name was on the pedophile supporter list and I exchanged tweets with a few of the bullies.  There timelines were full of disgusting, misogynistic tweets about the UniteBlue women who were pedophile supporters.  They referred to them as a bunch of old women who were attracted to the person charged with pedophilia and then continued to denigrate us all.  ONE of them actually referred to us as useless CUNTS!  I blocked that lowlife and tweeted that I had done so and all hell broke loose because he was one of the supposed Anonymous group.  So, now, not only was I a pedophile supporter according to this repulsive group but I was also attacking Anonymous!  It took awhile, but think I finally got my message across to the TRUE Anonymous accounts that some were claiming to be Anonymous but their actions were far below the dignity of anyone who was true to the goals of Anonymous!

I was still trying to ignore this sick group that dared to call themselves liberals in hopes that I could stay focused on the many liberal causes plus actively tweet against the GOP for the 2014 elections.  But, I had several tweet exchanges with one of this evil group’s members @Shoqacon in which he said some disgusting things he wanted me to do. I blocked him and tweeted that I had done so. When I signed into Twitter the next day, I found that the hateful group had supposedly doxed ME!  When I went to the website (yes, they post it on a website set up just for their evil attacks) and began reading the information, it took all I had to read it through the tears, not from crying, but from laughing my ass off! The idiots had confused me with what looked like two different accounts.  They were announcing that I was being exposed and that BewareTheBelievers name was Barbara Rice and that she lived in Washington D.C.  They had a picture of her from a facebook account, I think; actually, I still don’t know if that picture is one of the real Barbara Rice or if they are wrong on that part too!  I was sickened by how much detail they had about this person and that they were saying she was me.  They took an article she had written and combined it with some of my blog posts and said I had written her piece on social security!  I really did bust a gut at their incompetence!  Then it hit me that some poor woman was going to suffer from this attack on me!  I had no idea who she was but it made me sick and angry that once again this disgusting group was attacking innocent people and causing them pain and misery by spreading lies, and they didn’t give a damn who they hurt.  They have one goal; destroy UniteBlue/Zach Green and they will stop at nothing to do it.

By the time I got back to Twitter I found out that it was @OpTrollBill, one of the worst offenders in this little Twitter fiefdom of terror group who had “doxed” me and he was so proud of it.  I later found that it was @OsborneInk who had actually collected the data and provided it to @OpTrollBill.  The ironic thing is that @OsborneInk (Matt Osborne) actually tweeted that he had “independently verified” the information on me and that it was correct!  These two are particularly nasty people lacking ethics of any kind and Matt Osborne is too lazy to get real stories so he fabricates lies to build stories.  Later I found out that the woman they had attacked and exposed details about her life (probably lies) was @fabucat.  Her name is Barbara Rice, BUT neither of us lives in Washington D.C.  She has spent the last two days trying to convince these evil, unethical people that she is not me!

Of course, every time @fabucat tweets to one of these disgusting people, they use it as a way to call her and me liars and pedo supporters and spread their lies and hate re UniteBlue.  Of all my experiences online, I will have to say I have never encountered such true evil as exists in @OpTrollBill and @OsborneInk (Matt Osborne) and some of their other group members such as @femmeanon and her backup account @LiberationLo both of which are rumored to be @TrinaCuppett who is the one who calls herself the ninja and
wishes she were a real member of Anonymous!  Please forgive me for that last bit; I’m not one to usually spread rumors; but have had it with her and all of her accounts!  Also, @OpTrollBill has three other accounts: @OpTrollBill2, @OpTrollBill3, and OpTrollBill4 that he uses to spread his disgusting lies whenever one or the other is suspended!

I tried several times to tweet the truth to this nasty little group but got on Twitter again a few hours ago and saw where @DkChoco, one of the less informed members of this group, was telling Barbara Rice that Barbara Rice was the one lying and that Barbara Rice owned both the @BewareTheBeliev & @fabucat accounts!  And, I saw tweet after tweet where @fabucat, Barbara Rice, had pleaded with three to four different members of this disgusting group to tell everyone that their dox of me was incorrect and that she was not me.  Each time her tweet was met with sickening responses, repeating lies about me and her!

I also saw tweets from the other group from @toddqm to @TrinaCuppett going along with and repeating the lies!  I have long suspected that the two groups were connected and have found some names that appear to back up my theory.  But, these tweets clearly show that the two very small but vocal groups are plotting together to attack UniteBlue and its developer, Zach Green.  They have different reasons; the @TrinaCuppett group holds a grudge re how the organization began and the @toddqm group is full of jealous, egotistical types who WISH they had developed the website and come up with the twibbon that makes it so successful.

I have since learned that @OsborneInk (Matt Osborne) does this dox kind of thing just to get juicy stories for his blog.  He starts rumors with lies/insinuations and hopes the person he’s lied about responds and gives him more fodder for more lies and it builds from there so he can have a “juicy” story!  It’s difficult to get more disgusting than he is.  Not only is he refusing to admit he fabricated the dox on me, he tweets every chance he gets that I’m a pedophile supporter in hopes of getting a response out of me.  Well, he’s getting one HERE!

A few times when the attackers used disgusting, misogynistic language I retweeted it and included the #stoprush hashtag because I wanted the women who read tweets in that tag to know who these people were and the kind of language they were using to attack innocent women.  Well, Mr. Matt Osborne had the audacity to tweet to me to take the #stoprush out of my bio because he didn’t want the likes of me anywhere near HIS liberal cause!  Yep, he’s that maniacal and egotistical!  He also told me to stop using the #stoprush hastag! If you’ve read any of my other blog posts, you can imagine the kind of responses he received! 🙂

Anyone could do a simple google search and determine that I am who I say I am; my Twitter account is BewareTheBelievers @BewareTheBeliev and clearly says I’m from Ohio, NOT Washington D.C.  My Facebook page is BewareTheBelievers Blog and this blog has the same name.  My real name is listed at the top of this blog for all to see.  This nasty group never says why in the world I would hide my identity, especially since I’ve been doing this for over nine years.  Did I plan to go on Twitter and have a need to hide my identity? Who the fuck knows what goes through their evil minds with all their plotting and conspiracy theories!

The truth is that @OsborneInk (Matt Osborne) needs another juicy story and he hopes I will give him details that he can’t get otherwise.  He actually has a tab on his sick little blog titled “Burn Notices”; it’s a page for the @Shoq Twitter Brigade Burn Notice.  Unfortunately, @Shoq has been involved in repeating some of the UniteBlue attack lies. Matt Osborne knows I’m not Barbara Rice @fabucat but he’s done a hatchet job on her and he has plans for doing one on me IF he can get me to say something that he can twist and then write another lie about. And right now, I don’t give a rat’s ass! I just hate it that he and his disgusting group are continuing to mercilessly attack Barbara Rice @fabucat and show no signs of decency or that they will admit they fabricated most of the story and mixed up the rest.  They’re sick, truly sick; and I am still finding it hard to believe that those kinds of people exist or that I have now had the displeasure of actually typing words to such evil.  The evil almost resonates right through the keys!

Anyway, I do hate to take up my blog post space with such despicable people, especially since they claim to be liberals; but tweets are limited to 140 characters at a time; and by the time I said all of this, I would have given this hateful, evil group way too much exposure.  IF you are on Twitter, please feel free to block these evil people and all who participate in their disgusting tactics; it’s easy enough to follow the trail.  Believe me, you do not want their disgusting tweets in your timeline and you definitely do not want to rely on any of them for correct information.